Do I Need a Special Vehicle for Airport Transportation Services?

Many hotels provide van and bus services for their guests between the hotel and surrounding airports and businesses. To find out what the requirements are to obtain a driver's license in your state, you can consult the tip sheet on multimodal passenger transportation. In Michigan, for example, you must have a special driver's license, while Wisconsin no longer requires a license for those transporting less than 16 people. Ground transportation services are available to pick up and deliver government personnel on time, and they can be customized to meet the specific needs of any agency.

The hotel does not charge any special fees for the van service, but it is considered to receive indirect compensation for transporting passengers since the tax collected is also considered payment for transportation. A shuttle service company offers its customers transportation to and from the airport. The tip sheet on multimodal passenger transportation provides more information on this airport-related exemption. Companies that carry passengers within a single state (intrastate travel) may be subject to federal regulations on interstate transportation. Sometimes, people pay for transportation using a total package fee that covers several services, including transportation. In such cases, the nature of contract transportation may not be obvious.

Shuttle buses can provide affordable and efficient transportation options for people seeking access to hospitals and jails, and can help reduce traffic by transporting passengers to the city.